System.Type PropertyType { get; set; }



The PropertyType property of the MapClassVariable class specifies the data type of the variable. This property is essential for understanding what kind of data the variable is expected to hold, allowing for appropriate handling and manipulation within the editor environment.


To access the PropertyType property, you need to have an instance of the MapClassVariable class. This property is read-only and provides the System.Type of the variable, which can be used to determine the type of data it can store.


// Example of accessing the PropertyType property

// Assume mapVariable is an instance of MapClassVariable
MapClassVariable mapVariable = new MapClassVariable();

// Get the data type of the variable
System.Type variableType = mapVariable.PropertyType;

// Output the type name
string typeName = variableType.Name;
// typeName will contain the name of the type, e.g., "Int32", "String", etc.