Rotation CalculateSelectionBasis()



The CalculateSelectionBasis method is a virtual method in the BaseMeshTool class, which is part of the Editor.MeshEditor namespace. This method is responsible for calculating the rotational basis of the current selection within a mesh editing context. It returns a Rotation object that represents the orientation of the selected elements.


To use the CalculateSelectionBasis method, you should have a class that inherits from BaseMeshTool. You can override this method to provide a custom implementation for calculating the selection basis if needed. By default, it provides a standard way to determine the orientation of the selected mesh components.


public class CustomMeshTool : BaseMeshTool
    public override Rotation CalculateSelectionBasis()
        // Custom logic to calculate the selection basis
        // For example, you might want to align the basis with a specific axis
        return base.CalculateSelectionBasis();