MeshFace TraceFace()



The TraceFace method is a member of the BaseMeshTool class within the Editor.MeshEditor namespace. This method is responsible for tracing a mesh face based on the current selection or context within the mesh editor. It returns an instance of MeshFace, which represents the face of a mesh that has been traced.


To use the TraceFace method, you need to have an instance of a class that derives from BaseMeshTool. This method does not take any parameters and can be called directly on the instance. It is typically used in scenarios where you need to identify or manipulate a specific face of a mesh within the editor.


// Assuming 'meshTool' is an instance of a class derived from BaseMeshTool
Editor.MeshEditor.MeshFace tracedFace = meshTool.TraceFace();

// Use the tracedFace for further operations
if (tracedFace != null)
    // Perform operations with the traced face