MeshEdge GetClosestEdge( Vector3 position, Vector2 point, float maxDistance )



The GetClosestEdge method is used to find the closest edge of a mesh face to a specified point in 3D space. This method is part of the Editor.MeshEditor.MeshFace class, which represents a face in a mesh and provides various functionalities to interact with the mesh's geometry.


To use the GetClosestEdge method, you need to have an instance of MeshFace. You can then call this method by passing the required parameters:

  • position: A Vector3 representing the position in 3D space from which you want to find the closest edge.
  • point: A Vector2 representing a point in 2D space, typically used for texture mapping or other 2D operations.
  • maxDistance: A float value that specifies the maximum distance within which to search for the closest edge. If no edge is found within this distance, the method may return null or a default value.

The method returns a MeshEdge object, which represents the closest edge found within the specified distance.


// Assuming 'meshFace' is an instance of MeshFace
Vector3 position = new Vector3(1.0f, 2.0f, 3.0f);
Vector2 point = new Vector2(0.5f, 0.5f);
float maxDistance = 10.0f;

MeshEdge closestEdge = meshFace.GetClosestEdge(position, point, maxDistance);

if (closestEdge != null)
    // Do something with the closest edge