MeshComponent Component { get; set; }



The Component property of the MeshVertex struct in the Editor.MeshEditor namespace provides access to the MeshComponent that the vertex is associated with. This property is marked as virtual and sealed, indicating that it can be overridden in derived classes but cannot be further overridden once it is overridden. It is also decorated with the HideAttribute and JsonIncludeAttribute, which means it is hidden from certain UI elements but included in JSON serialization.


Use the Component property to retrieve the MeshComponent associated with a specific vertex in a mesh. This can be useful for operations that require knowledge of the mesh structure or when performing transformations and manipulations on the mesh data.


// Example of accessing the Component property of a MeshVertex
MeshVertex vertex = new MeshVertex();
MeshComponent meshComponent = vertex.Component;

// Use the meshComponent for further operations
if (meshComponent != null)
    // Perform operations with the mesh component