Color ColorTint { get; set; }



The ColorTint property of the Editor.NodeEditor.Connection class represents the color tint applied to a connection line in the node editor. This property allows you to customize the visual appearance of the connection by changing its color.


To use the ColorTint property, you can get or set its value to change the color of a connection line. This can be useful for visually distinguishing different types of connections or for highlighting specific connections in the node editor.


// Example of setting the ColorTint property

// Assume 'connection' is an instance of Editor.NodeEditor.Connection
connection.ColorTint = new Color(1.0f, 0.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f); // Sets the color to orange

// Example of getting the ColorTint property
Color currentTint = connection.ColorTint;
// Use currentTint for further processing or logic