

The Deconstruct method is a member of the FilterPart struct within the Editor.NodeEditor namespace. This method is used to deconstruct a FilterPart instance into its constituent parts, specifically the Modifier and Value properties. This allows for easy extraction and assignment of these properties to separate variables.


To use the Deconstruct method, you need to have an instance of FilterPart. You can then call the method to deconstruct the instance into its Modifier and Value components. This is particularly useful in scenarios where you want to work with these components separately.

Note that the method uses out parameters, so you must provide variables to store the extracted values.


// Example of using the Deconstruct method

// Assume we have a FilterPart instance
FilterPart filterPart = new FilterPart();

// Variables to hold the deconstructed values
FilterModifier modifier;
string value;

// Deconstruct the FilterPart instance
filterPart.Deconstruct(out modifier, out value);

// Now, modifier and value hold the respective parts of the FilterPart instance