void OnDragDrop( Editor.Widget/DragEvent ev )



The OnDragDrop method is a virtual method in the Editor.NodeEditor.GraphView class. It is designed to handle drag-and-drop events within the graph view. This method is called when a drag-and-drop operation is completed, allowing you to implement custom behavior for handling the dropped data.


To use the OnDragDrop method, you should override it in a subclass of GraphView. This allows you to define specific actions that should occur when a drag-and-drop operation is finalized within the graph view. The method takes a single parameter, ev, which is of type Editor.Widget/DragEvent. This parameter provides information about the drag event, such as the data being dragged and the position where it was dropped.


public class CustomGraphView : Editor.NodeEditor.GraphView
    public override void OnDragDrop(Editor.Widget.DragEvent ev)
        // Implement custom logic for handling the drag-and-drop event
        // For example, you might want to add a new node at the drop location
        var position = ev.Position;
        var data = ev.Data;
        // Example: Create a new node at the drop position
        CreateNewNode(data as Editor.NodeEditor.INodeType, position);