bool IsPrefabSession { get; set; }



The IsPrefabSession property of the SceneEditorSession class indicates whether the current session is editing a prefab. This property returns a boolean value, where true signifies that the session is indeed a prefab editing session, and false indicates otherwise.


Use the IsPrefabSession property to determine if the current SceneEditorSession is focused on editing a prefab. This can be particularly useful when you need to apply specific logic or UI changes based on whether the session is dealing with a prefab or a regular scene.


// Example of checking if the current session is a prefab session
Editor.SceneEditorSession currentSession = Editor.SceneEditorSession.Active;

if (currentSession != null && currentSession.IsPrefabSession)
    // Perform actions specific to prefab editing
    Console.WriteLine("This session is editing a prefab.");
    // Perform actions for regular scene editing
    Console.WriteLine("This session is not editing a prefab.");