System.Action<BBox> OnFrameTo { get; set; }



The OnFrameTo property in the SceneEditorSession class is an event handler that allows you to define a custom action to be executed when the scene editor frames to a specific bounding box (BBox). This property is of type System.Action<BBox>, meaning it takes a BBox as a parameter and returns no value.


To use the OnFrameTo property, you can assign a delegate or lambda expression that matches the System.Action<BBox> signature. This delegate will be invoked whenever the scene editor needs to frame to a specific bounding box.

For example, you might use this to perform additional operations or logging whenever the editor frames to a new area in the scene.


// Example of setting the OnFrameTo property
SceneEditorSession session = new SceneEditorSession();

// Define a custom action to be executed when framing to a bounding box
session.OnFrameTo = (bbox) =>
    // Custom logic here
    // For example, log the bounding box dimensions
    Log.Info($"Framing to BBox: {bbox}");

// Later in the code, when the editor frames to a bounding box, the above action will be executed.