void LoadAll()



The LoadAll method is responsible for loading all available brushes into the BrushList. This method populates the Brushes field with instances of Brush that can be used within the terrain editor. It is a public instance method, meaning it can be called on an instance of the BrushList class.


To use the LoadAll method, first ensure you have an instance of the BrushList class. Then, simply call the method to load all brushes into the list. This is typically done during the initialization phase of the terrain editor to ensure all brushes are available for use.


// Create an instance of BrushList
BrushList brushList = new BrushList();

// Load all brushes into the list

// Access the loaded brushes
foreach (var brush in brushList.Brushes)
    // Use the brush
    // Example: Console.WriteLine(brush.Name);