Vector3 HitPosition



The HitPosition field represents the exact position in 3D space where a trace operation has intersected with an object. This field is part of the Editor.TraceResult structure, which is used to store the results of a trace operation in the editor environment.


Use the HitPosition field to determine the location of a hit in world coordinates after performing a trace. This can be useful for placing objects, determining impact points, or for debugging purposes.


// Example usage of Editor.TraceResult.HitPosition

// Assume traceResult is an instance of Editor.TraceResult
if (traceResult.Hit)
    Vector3 hitLocation = traceResult.HitPosition;
    // Use hitLocation for further processing
    // For example, placing a marker at the hit position

void PlaceMarkerAt(Vector3 position)
    // Implementation for placing a marker at the specified position