HalfEdgeHandle Edge { get; set; }



The Edge property of the HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle class provides access to the HalfEdgeHandle associated with a particular face in a half-edge mesh structure. This property is crucial for navigating the mesh, as it allows you to retrieve the half-edge that is part of the face, enabling further traversal or manipulation of the mesh topology.


To use the Edge property, you must have an instance of HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle. Once you have this instance, you can access the Edge property to get the corresponding HalfEdgeHandle. This handle can then be used to perform operations such as iterating over adjacent faces or vertices.


// Assuming 'faceHandle' is an instance of HalfEdgeMesh.FaceHandle
HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle edgeHandle = faceHandle.Edge;

// Use 'edgeHandle' to perform further operations on the mesh
// For example, you might want to find the next edge in the face
HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle nextEdge = edgeHandle.Next;

// Or, find the opposite edge
HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle oppositeEdge = edgeHandle.Opposite;