HalfEdgeHandle NextEdge { get; set; }



The NextEdge property of the HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle class provides access to the next half-edge in the sequence of edges that form a loop around a face in a half-edge mesh data structure. This property is essential for traversing the edges of a face in a mesh, allowing for operations such as iterating over all edges of a face or performing mesh analysis and manipulation.


To use the NextEdge property, you must have an instance of HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle. You can access the property directly to retrieve the next half-edge in the sequence. This is typically used in conjunction with other properties like OppositeEdge and Face to navigate and manipulate the mesh structure.


// Assuming 'halfEdge' is an instance of HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle
HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle nextEdge = halfEdge.NextEdge;

// Use nextEdge to perform operations, such as iterating over a face's edges
while (nextEdge.IsValid)
    // Process the edge
    // ...
    // Move to the next edge in the loop
    nextEdge = nextEdge.NextEdge;