VertexHandle Vertex { get; set; }



The Vertex property of the HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle class provides access to the vertex associated with a specific half-edge in a half-edge mesh data structure. This property returns a VertexHandle, which is a reference to the vertex at the start of the half-edge.


To access the vertex associated with a half-edge, use the Vertex property on an instance of HalfEdgeHandle. This is useful when you need to retrieve or manipulate the vertex data related to a specific half-edge in a mesh.


// Assuming 'halfEdge' is an instance of HalfEdgeMesh.HalfEdgeHandle
HalfEdgeMesh.VertexHandle vertexHandle = halfEdge.Vertex;

// Use the vertexHandle to access or modify the vertex data
// For example, you might want to get the position of the vertex
Vector3 vertexPosition = vertexHandle.Position; // Assuming VertexHandle has a Position property