static Matrix Slerp( Matrix ma, Matrix mb, float frac )



The Matrix.Slerp method performs spherical linear interpolation between two matrices, ma and mb, based on a given interpolation factor frac. This method is useful for smoothly interpolating between two transformations, such as rotations, in 3D space.


To use the Matrix.Slerp method, provide two matrices ma and mb that you want to interpolate between, and a float frac that represents the interpolation factor. The frac parameter should be between 0 and 1, where 0 returns ma and 1 returns mb. Values between 0 and 1 will return a matrix that is a spherical linear interpolation between ma and mb.


Matrix ma = Matrix.CreateRotationX(30);
Matrix mb = Matrix.CreateRotationY(60);
float frac = 0.5f;

Matrix result = Matrix.Slerp(ma, mb, frac);
// result now contains the matrix that is halfway between ma and mb in terms of rotation.