bool CanGoUp()



The CanGoUp method is a virtual method of the ParentProjectLocation class. It determines whether it is possible to navigate upwards in the directory hierarchy from the current location within the asset browser. This method is useful for scenarios where you need to check if there is a parent directory available to move up to.


To use the CanGoUp method, you need to have an instance of the ParentProjectLocation class. Call the method on this instance to check if moving up in the directory structure is possible. The method returns a boolean value indicating the result.


// Example usage of the CanGoUp method
ParentProjectLocation location = new ParentProjectLocation();

// Check if it's possible to go up in the directory hierarchy
bool canMoveUp = location.CanGoUp();

if (canMoveUp)
    // Logic to handle moving up in the directory
    // For example, update the UI or change the current directory