List<AssetBrowserLocation> GetDirectories()



The GetDirectories method in the ParentProjectLocation class is responsible for retrieving a list of directories within the current project location. This method returns a list of Editor.AssetBrowserLocation objects, each representing a directory found in the current location.

This method is virtual, allowing derived classes to override its behavior if necessary. It is a public instance method, meaning it can be accessed by any object of the ParentProjectLocation class or its subclasses.


To use the GetDirectories method, you need to have an instance of the ParentProjectLocation class. Once you have the instance, you can call the method to retrieve the directories:

ParentProjectLocation projectLocation = new ParentProjectLocation();
List<Editor.AssetBrowserLocation> directories = projectLocation.GetDirectories();

This will give you a list of directories within the current project location, which you can then iterate over or manipulate as needed.


ParentProjectLocation projectLocation = new ParentProjectLocation();
List<Editor.AssetBrowserLocation> directories = projectLocation.GetDirectories();

foreach (var directory in directories)
    // Process each directory