void Deconstruct( System.Single& min, System.Single& max )



The Deconstruct method is a member of the RangedFloat struct. It allows you to deconstruct a RangedFloat instance into its minimum and maximum values. This method is particularly useful for tuple deconstruction, enabling you to easily extract the range values into separate variables.


To use the Deconstruct method, you need to have an instance of RangedFloat. You can then call this method to deconstruct the instance into two separate float variables representing the minimum and maximum values of the range.

The method signature is as follows:

public void Deconstruct(out float min, out float max)

Both min and max are output parameters that will be assigned the respective values from the RangedFloat instance.


// Example of using the Deconstruct method
RangedFloat rangedFloat = new RangedFloat { Min = 1.0f, Max = 5.0f };
rangedFloat.Deconstruct(out float minValue, out float maxValue);

// minValue will be 1.0f
// maxValue will be 5.0f

// Alternatively, using tuple deconstruction
(float minValue, float maxValue) = rangedFloat;