float Max { get; set; }



The Max property of the RangedFloat struct represents the maximum value of the float range. In cases where the RangeType is set to Fixed, the Max value will be the same as the Min value, indicating a fixed value rather than a range.


Use the Max property to retrieve or set the upper limit of the range for a RangedFloat instance. This is particularly useful when you want to define a range of possible values for a float, allowing for randomization within that range.


// Example of using RangedFloat with Max property
RangedFloat rangedFloat = new RangedFloat();
rangedFloat.Min = 1.0f;
rangedFloat.Max = 5.0f;

// Accessing the Max property
float maxValue = rangedFloat.Max;

// Output the max value
// Note: Avoid using Console.WriteLine in s&box
// Instead, use in-game logging or debugging tools
// Log(maxValue);