Ray ToWorld( Transform& tx )



The ToWorld method transforms a Ray from local space to world space using a specified Transform. This is useful when you need to convert a ray that is defined in the local coordinate system of an object to the global coordinate system of the scene.


To use the ToWorld method, you need to have a Ray instance and a Transform reference. The method will return a new Ray that represents the original ray transformed into world space.


  • tx (Transform&): A reference to the Transform that defines the local-to-world transformation.

Returns: A Ray in world space.


// Example of using the ToWorld method

// Assume we have a Ray defined in local space
Ray localRay = new Ray(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), new Vector3(0, 0, 1));

// Assume we have a Transform that represents the object's transformation in the world
Transform objectTransform = new Transform();

// Convert the local ray to world space
Ray worldRay = localRay.ToWorld(ref objectTransform);

// Now worldRay is in world space and can be used for further calculations