Rotation SlerpTo( Rotation target, float frac, bool clamp )



The SlerpTo method performs a spherical linear interpolation (slerp) between the current rotation and a target rotation. This method is useful for smoothly transitioning between two orientations over a specified fraction of the way.


To use the SlerpTo method, call it on an instance of the Rotation struct, passing in the target rotation, the fraction of interpolation, and a boolean indicating whether to clamp the interpolation to the range [0, 1].

The frac parameter should be a value between 0 and 1, where 0 returns the current rotation and 1 returns the target rotation. If clamp is set to true, the interpolation will be clamped to the range [0, 1].


// Example of using SlerpTo
Rotation currentRotation = Rotation.Identity;
Rotation targetRotation = Rotation.FromAxis(Vector3.Up, 90);
float fraction = 0.5f;
bool shouldClamp = true;

Rotation resultRotation = currentRotation.SlerpTo(targetRotation, fraction, shouldClamp);
// resultRotation is now halfway between currentRotation and targetRotation.