System.Nullable<System.DateTimeOffset> UnlockTimestamp { get; set; }



The UnlockTimestamp property of the Achievement class represents the date and time when the achievement was unlocked. It is a nullable property, meaning it can hold a null value if the achievement has not been unlocked yet.


Use the UnlockTimestamp property to determine when an achievement was unlocked. This can be useful for tracking player progress over time or for displaying the unlock date in a user interface.

To check if an achievement has been unlocked, you can verify if UnlockTimestamp has a value:

if (achievement.UnlockTimestamp.HasValue)
    // Achievement is unlocked
    DateTimeOffset unlockTime = achievement.UnlockTimestamp.Value;
    // Use unlockTime as needed
    // Achievement is not unlocked


// Example of accessing the UnlockTimestamp property
Achievement achievement = new Achievement();

// Check if the achievement is unlocked
if (achievement.UnlockTimestamp.HasValue)
    // Output the unlock timestamp
    DateTimeOffset unlockTime = achievement.UnlockTimestamp.Value;
    Console.WriteLine($"Achievement unlocked on: {unlockTime}");
    Console.WriteLine("Achievement not unlocked yet.");