bool IsError { get; set; }



The IsError property of the AnimationGraph class indicates whether the animation graph is currently invalid or has not yet been loaded. This property is useful for checking the state of the animation graph before attempting to use it in your application.


To use the IsError property, simply access it from an instance of the AnimationGraph class. It returns a bool value, where true indicates that the graph is in an error state, and false indicates that it is valid and ready for use.


// Example of checking the IsError property
AnimationGraph animGraph = AnimationGraph.Load("path/to/animation.graph");

if (animGraph.IsError)
    // Handle the error, such as logging or displaying a message
    Console.WriteLine("The animation graph is invalid or not loaded.");
    // Proceed with using the animation graph
    Console.WriteLine("The animation graph is valid and ready to use.");