static Bitmap CreateFromIesBytes( System.Byte[] data )



The CreateFromIesBytes method is a static method of the Bitmap class in the Sandbox namespace. It is used to create a Bitmap instance from an array of bytes that represent IES (Illuminating Engineering Society) data. This method is particularly useful for applications that need to process or visualize lighting data stored in the IES format.


To use the CreateFromIesBytes method, you need to provide a byte array containing the IES data. The method will return a Bitmap object that represents the image created from the IES data.

Ensure that the byte array is correctly formatted as IES data, as the method does not perform validation on the input data format.


// Example usage of CreateFromIesBytes
byte[] iesData = File.ReadAllBytes("path/to/iesfile.ies");
Bitmap bitmap = Bitmap.CreateFromIesBytes(iesData);

// Use the bitmap as needed, for example, rendering or processing
if (bitmap != null && bitmap.IsValid)
    // Perform operations with the bitmap