void Dispose()



The Dispose method is used to release all resources used by the Bitmap instance. This method is crucial for managing memory and ensuring that resources are properly cleaned up when the bitmap is no longer needed. Once Dispose is called, the Bitmap object is considered unusable and should not be accessed further.


Call the Dispose method when you are finished using the Bitmap object. This will free up the resources associated with the bitmap, such as memory and handles. It is a good practice to call Dispose in a finally block or use a using statement to ensure that resources are released even if an exception occurs.


// Example of using Dispose with a Bitmap
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap();
    // Use the bitmap for various operations
    // Ensure resources are released

// Alternatively, using a using statement
using (Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap())
    // Use the bitmap
} // Dispose is called automatically at the end of the using block