void DrawText( Sandbox.TextRendering/Scope scope, Rect rect, TextFlag flags )



The DrawText method is used to render text onto a Bitmap object within a specified rectangular area. This method allows for customization of text rendering through the use of flags and a defined scope.


To use the DrawText method, you need to provide a Scope object that defines the text to be rendered, a Rect that specifies the area on the bitmap where the text should be drawn, and a TextFlag to control the rendering behavior.

Ensure that the Scope object is properly initialized with the desired text content and formatting options before calling this method.


// Example of using DrawText method
var bitmap = new Bitmap();
var textScope = new TextRendering.Scope("Hello, World!");
var drawArea = new Rect(10, 10, 200, 50);
var textFlags = TextFlag.Center | TextFlag.Bold;

bitmap.DrawText(textScope, drawArea, textFlags);