void SetRadialGradient( Vector2 center, float radius, Gradient gradient )



The SetRadialGradient method is used to apply a radial gradient to a bitmap. This method allows you to specify the center point and radius of the gradient, as well as the gradient itself, which defines the color transitions.


To use the SetRadialGradient method, you need to provide the following parameters:

  • center: A Vector2 representing the center point of the radial gradient.
  • radius: A float value that specifies the radius of the gradient.
  • gradient: A Gradient object that defines the color transitions for the gradient.

Call this method on an instance of the Bitmap class to apply the radial gradient to the bitmap.


// Create a new Bitmap instance
Bitmap bitmap = new Bitmap();

// Define the center of the radial gradient
Vector2 center = new Vector2(50, 50);

// Set the radius of the gradient
float radius = 100.0f;

// Create a gradient with color stops
Gradient gradient = new Gradient();
gradient.AddColorStop(0.0f, Color.Red);
gradient.AddColorStop(1.0f, Color.Blue);

// Apply the radial gradient to the bitmap
bitmap.SetRadialGradient(center, radius, gradient);