Vector3 Start { get; set; }



The Start property of the CapsuleCollider class represents the bottom point of the capsule in 3D space. This property is of type Vector3, which is a structure used to store three-dimensional coordinates.


To set or get the Start property, you can directly access it from an instance of CapsuleCollider. This property is used to define the starting point of the capsule shape in the scene, which is crucial for collision detection and physics simulations.


// Example of setting the Start property of a CapsuleCollider
CapsuleCollider capsuleCollider = new CapsuleCollider();
capsuleCollider.Start = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); // Sets the bottom point of the capsule to the origin

// Example of getting the Start property
Vector3 startPoint = capsuleCollider.Start;
// Use startPoint for further calculations or logic