void Deserialize( string json )



The Deserialize method of the ConfigData class is responsible for populating the instance of ConfigData with data from a JSON string. This method takes a JSON formatted string as input and updates the properties of the ConfigData object accordingly.


To use the Deserialize method, you need to have a JSON string that represents the configuration data you want to load into a ConfigData object. Call the method on an instance of ConfigData and pass the JSON string as a parameter.

Ensure that the JSON string is correctly formatted and contains the necessary fields that correspond to the properties of the ConfigData class.


// Example usage of the Deserialize method

// Create an instance of ConfigData
ConfigData configData = new ConfigData();

// JSON string representing configuration data
string jsonString = "{ \"__guid\": \"123e4567-e89b-12d3-a456-426614174000\", \"Version\": 1 }";

// Deserialize the JSON string into the ConfigData object

// Access the deserialized data
System.Guid guid = configData.Guid;
int version = configData.Version; // Note: Version is ignored during serialization