float LodBias { get; set; }



The LodBias property of the CubemapFogController class is used to adjust how quickly the cubemap blurs out at closer distances. This property affects the level of detail (LOD) bias for the cubemap texture used in the fog effect.

A LodBias value of 0.0 will always use the lowest resolution MIP level across the entire range, resulting in a more blurred appearance. Conversely, a value of 1.0 will use the highest resolution MIP level, providing a sharper appearance. Adjusting this value allows for fine-tuning the visual quality and performance of the fog effect.


To use the LodBias property, you need to have an instance of the CubemapFogController class. You can then set the LodBias property to a float value between 0.0 and 1.0 to control the level of detail bias for the cubemap fog effect.

Example usage:

var fogController = new CubemapFogController();
fogController.LodBias = 0.5f; // Sets the LOD bias to a medium level of detail


var fogController = new CubemapFogController();
fogController.LodBias = 0.5f; // Sets the LOD bias to a medium level of detail