System.IO.DirectoryInfo Directory { get; set; }



The Directory property of the ProjectConfig class provides access to the directory that houses the addon. This property is of type System.IO.DirectoryInfo, which provides methods and properties for creating, moving, and enumerating through directories and subdirectories.

This property is marked with the JsonIgnore attribute, indicating that it will not be serialized when converting the ProjectConfig object to JSON. Additionally, it is marked with the Hide attribute, suggesting that it may not be intended for display in certain contexts, such as user interfaces.


To access the directory information of an addon, you can use the Directory property of a ProjectConfig instance. This property is read-only and provides a DirectoryInfo object that can be used to perform various file system operations.

Note that since this property is marked with JsonIgnore, it will not be included in JSON serialization, which is useful for keeping file system paths out of serialized data.


// Example of accessing the Directory property

// Assume projectConfig is an instance of ProjectConfig
var projectConfig = new ProjectConfig();

// Access the directory information
System.IO.DirectoryInfo addonDirectory = projectConfig.Directory;

// Use the DirectoryInfo object to perform operations
if (addonDirectory.Exists)
    // List all files in the directory
    var files = addonDirectory.GetFiles();
    foreach (var file in files)
        // Process each file