string FullIdent { get; set; }



The FullIdent property of the ProjectConfig class provides a string that combines the organization identifier (Org) and the project identifier (Ident). This combination is typically used to uniquely identify a project within a namespace, such as "facepunch.sandbox" or "valve.cs".


To access the FullIdent property, you need an instance of the ProjectConfig class. This property is read-only and is automatically generated based on the values of the Org and Ident properties.

Note that this property is marked with the HideAttribute and JsonIgnoreAttribute, indicating that it is not intended to be serialized to JSON or displayed in certain contexts.


// Assuming you have a ProjectConfig instance
ProjectConfig config = new ProjectConfig();

// Set Org and Ident
config.Org = "facepunch";
config.Ident = "sandbox";

// Access the FullIdent property
string fullIdent = config.FullIdent;
// fullIdent will be "facepunch.sandbox"