string Title { get; set; }



The Title property of the ProjectConfig class represents the human-readable title of a project. This title is used to identify the project in a user-friendly manner, such as "Sandbox" or "Counter-Strike".

The property is decorated with several data annotations:

  • DisplayAttribute: Used to specify how the property should be displayed in a UI.
  • MaxLengthAttribute(32): Ensures that the title does not exceed 32 characters.
  • MinLengthAttribute(2): Ensures that the title is at least 2 characters long.


To set or retrieve the title of a project, use the Title property. Ensure that the title adheres to the length constraints specified by the MaxLength and MinLength attributes.


// Example of setting the Title property
var projectConfig = new ProjectConfig();
projectConfig.Title = "My Awesome Game";

// Example of getting the Title property
string projectTitle = projectConfig.Title;
// Output: "My Awesome Game"