GamepadCode SwitchRightBumper



The SwitchRightBumper field is a member of the GamepadCode enumeration in the Sandbox namespace. It represents the right bumper button on a Nintendo Switch game controller. This enumeration is used to identify specific buttons on a gamepad, allowing developers to handle input from game controllers in a standardized way.


Use the SwitchRightBumper field when you need to detect or respond to the right bumper button press on a Nintendo Switch controller. This can be useful in scenarios where you want to trigger specific actions in your game or application when the user presses this button.


// Example of using GamepadCode.SwitchRightBumper

void HandleGamepadInput(GamepadCode button)
    if (button == GamepadCode.SwitchRightBumper)
        // Execute action for right bumper press

void PerformRightBumperAction()
    // Define the action to be performed when the right bumper is pressed
    // For example, increase player speed or activate a special ability