

The Insert method in the UndoSystem class is used to add a new undo/redo entry to the system. This method allows you to specify a title for the entry, as well as the actions to be performed when the entry is undone or redone. This is useful for implementing undo/redo functionality in applications where changes need to be reversible.


To use the Insert method, you need to provide a descriptive title for the undo/redo action, and two Action delegates representing the operations to be performed during undo and redo, respectively. The method returns an Entry object that represents the newly created undo/redo entry.


// Example of using the Insert method in the UndoSystem

// Define the actions for undo and redo
Action undoAction = () => {
    // Code to undo the action
    // e.g., revert a change in a document

Action redoAction = () => {
    // Code to redo the action
    // e.g., reapply a change in a document

// Insert the undo/redo entry into the system
var entry = UndoSystem.Insert("Change Text", undoAction, redoAction);

// Now, the entry can be undone or redone using the UndoSystem's Undo and Redo methods.