

The GetTokens method is a member of the ITagSet interface in the Sandbox namespace. This method is designed to retrieve all the tags present in the set as a collection of unique identifiers. Each tag is represented by a UInt32 value, and the method returns these values as a read-only set.


To use the GetTokens method, you need to have an instance of a class that implements the ITagSet interface. Once you have this instance, you can call the GetTokens method to obtain a read-only set of UInt32 values, each representing a tag in the set.


// Assuming 'tagSet' is an instance of a class implementing ITagSet
IReadOnlySet<uint> tokens = tagSet.GetTokens();

// Iterate through the tokens
foreach (uint token in tokens)
    // Process each token
    // For example, you might want to log or use the token in some logic