ImageFormat BGRA8888_LINEAR



The BGRA8888_LINEAR field is a member of the ImageFormat enumeration in the Sandbox namespace. This field represents an image format where each pixel is stored in 32 bits, with 8 bits for each of the blue, green, red, and alpha channels, in that order. The "LINEAR" suffix indicates that the color values are stored in a linear color space, which is often used for accurate color calculations and rendering.


Use ImageFormat.BGRA8888_LINEAR when you need to specify an image format that requires linear color space with 8 bits per channel for blue, green, red, and alpha. This format is suitable for high-quality image processing and rendering tasks where linear color space is necessary for accurate color blending and lighting calculations.


// Example of using ImageFormat.BGRA8888_LINEAR

// Assume we have a method that requires an image format
void ProcessImage(ImageFormat format)
    // Processing logic here

// Using the BGRA8888_LINEAR format