

The ImageFormat.I8 field is a member of the ImageFormat enumeration in the Sandbox namespace. This enumeration represents various image formats that can be used within the s&box environment.

The I8 format specifically represents an 8-bit intensity image format. This format is typically used for grayscale images where each pixel is represented by a single byte, indicating the intensity of the pixel from black (0) to white (255).


Use the ImageFormat.I8 when you need to work with grayscale images in your s&box application. This format is efficient for images that do not require color information, reducing memory usage compared to full-color formats.

To utilize this format, you can specify it when loading or processing images that are intended to be grayscale. This can be particularly useful in scenarios such as texture processing, image analysis, or when working with depth maps.


// Example of using ImageFormat.I8

// Assume we have a method to load an image with a specific format
Image myGrayscaleImage = Image.Load("path/to/image", ImageFormat.I8);

// Process the image as needed

// Function to process a grayscale image
void ProcessGrayscaleImage(Image image)
    // Implementation for processing the grayscale image