ImageFormat LINEAR_BGR888



The LINEAR_BGR888 field is a member of the ImageFormat enumeration in the Sandbox namespace. It represents an image format where the color data is stored in a linear color space with 8 bits per channel for the blue, green, and red components, in that order. This format does not include an alpha channel.


Use ImageFormat.LINEAR_BGR888 when you need to work with images that require linear color space processing and do not need an alpha channel. This format is suitable for scenarios where accurate color representation is necessary, such as in image processing or rendering tasks that involve linear color calculations.


// Example of using ImageFormat.LINEAR_BGR888
Texture texture = new Texture("path/to/image.png", ImageFormat.LINEAR_BGR888);

// Use the texture in a material or rendering process
Material material = new Material();
material.SetTexture("diffuse", texture);