ImageFormat R32_UINT



The R32_UINT field is a member of the ImageFormat enumeration in the Sandbox namespace. It represents an image format where each pixel is stored as a 32-bit unsigned integer. This format is typically used for storing single-channel data where each channel is represented by a 32-bit unsigned integer value.


Use ImageFormat.R32_UINT when you need to work with images or textures that require a single channel of 32-bit unsigned integer data. This format is suitable for applications that need high precision for a single channel, such as depth maps or certain types of data textures.


// Example of using ImageFormat.R32_UINT
Texture texture = new Texture( width: 256, height: 256, format: ImageFormat.R32_UINT );

// Set pixel data for the texture
uint[] pixelData = new uint[256 * 256];
// Fill pixelData with appropriate values