ImageFormat RGBX555



The RGBX555 field is a member of the ImageFormat enumeration in the Sandbox namespace. This format represents an image with a 16-bit color depth, where each pixel is composed of 5 bits for red, 5 bits for green, and 5 bits for blue, with an additional unused bit (X). This format does not support an alpha channel, making it suitable for images where transparency is not required.


Use the RGBX555 format when you need to store images with a moderate color depth and do not require an alpha channel for transparency. This format is efficient in terms of memory usage compared to 32-bit formats, making it suitable for applications where performance and memory efficiency are critical.


// Example of using ImageFormat.RGBX555

// Assuming you have an image processing function that accepts an ImageFormat
void ProcessImage(ImageFormat format)
    // Implementation for processing the image

// Use the RGBX555 format