void SetMaterial( Material material, int triangle )



The SetMaterial method is used to assign a specific Material to a triangle within a mesh. This method is part of the MeshComponent class, which represents an editable polygon mesh with collision capabilities in the Sandbox environment.

This method is sealed, meaning it cannot be overridden in derived classes. It is a public instance method, so it must be called on an instance of MeshComponent.


To use the SetMaterial method, you need to have an instance of MeshComponent and a Material object that you want to apply to a specific triangle in the mesh. You also need to know the index of the triangle you wish to modify.

Here is how you can use the method:

  1. Ensure you have a MeshComponent instance.
  2. Create or obtain a Material instance.
  3. Determine the index of the triangle you want to modify.
  4. Call SetMaterial with the Material and triangle index as arguments.


// Assuming 'meshComponent' is an instance of MeshComponent
// and 'newMaterial' is an instance of Material
// and 'triangleIndex' is the index of the triangle you want to modify

meshComponent.SetMaterial(newMaterial, triangleIndex);