T CreateDelegate()
T CreateDelegate( System.Object target )
System.Delegate CreateDelegate( System.Type delegateType )
System.Delegate CreateDelegate( System.Type delegateType, System.Object target )



The CreateDelegate method in the MethodDescription class is used to create a delegate of a specified type that represents the method described by the current MethodDescription instance. This method is useful when you need to dynamically create delegates for methods at runtime.


To use the CreateDelegate method, you need to have an instance of MethodDescription that describes the method you want to create a delegate for. You can then call CreateDelegate on this instance to obtain a delegate of the specified type.


// Assume 'methodDescription' is an instance of MethodDescription
// and 'MyDelegateType' is a delegate type that matches the method signature.

MyDelegateType myDelegate = methodDescription.CreateDelegate<MyDelegateType>();

// Now you can use 'myDelegate' to invoke the method.