T GetCachedMeta( string keyName, T defaultValue )
T GetCachedMeta( string keyName, System.Func<T> defaultValue )



The GetCachedMeta method retrieves a cached metadata value associated with a specified key from a package. If the key does not exist in the cache, it returns a default value provided by the caller. This method is useful for accessing metadata that has been previously stored and cached, allowing for efficient retrieval without the need to re-fetch or recompute the data.


To use the GetCachedMeta method, you need to provide the key name as a string and a default value of type T. The method will return the cached value if it exists; otherwise, it will return the default value you provided.

Example usage:

var package = new Package();
string key = "author";
string defaultAuthor = "Unknown";
string author = package.GetCachedMeta(key, defaultAuthor);

In this example, the method attempts to retrieve the cached metadata for the key "author". If the key is not found, it returns "Unknown" as the default value.


var package = new Package();
string key = "author";
string defaultAuthor = "Unknown";
string author = package.GetCachedMeta(key, defaultAuthor);