Sandbox.Package/PackageInteraction Interaction { get; set; }



The Interaction property of the Package class provides information about the authenticated user's interactions with a specific package. This property is only available client-side for certain users. It is used to display details such as the user's play history, whether the package is marked as a favorite, and if the user has rated the package.


To access the Interaction property, you need to have an instance of the Package class. This property is particularly useful for client-side applications where you want to personalize the user experience based on their interactions with the package.


// Assuming 'package' is an instance of Sandbox.Package
var userInteraction = package.Interaction;

// Check if the package is a favorite
bool isFavorite = userInteraction.IsFavorite;

// Get the user's play history
var playHistory = userInteraction.PlayHistory;

// Determine if the user has rated the package
bool hasRated = userInteraction.HasRated;