string Title { get; set; }



The Title property of the Package class provides a user-friendly name for the package. This name is intended to be displayed in the user interface to players, offering a more readable and appealing representation of the package compared to its technical identifier.


To access or modify the Title property, you can use the following syntax:

Package myPackage = new Package();
string currentTitle = myPackage.Title; // Get the current title
myPackage.Title = "New Package Title"; // Set a new title

Note that the Title should be set to a meaningful and descriptive name that accurately represents the package's content or purpose.


// Example of setting and getting the Title property
Package myPackage = new Package();

// Set the title of the package
myPackage.Title = "Awesome Game Mod";

// Retrieve the title of the package
string packageTitle = myPackage.Title;

// Output the title
// Console.WriteLine(packageTitle); // Avoid using Console.WriteLine in Sandbox environment