The TryGetCached
method attempts to retrieve a cached package based on the provided identifier string. It is a static method of the Package
class in the Sandbox
namespace. This method is useful for checking if a package is already cached locally, which can improve performance by avoiding unnecessary network requests.
To use the TryGetCached
method, provide the identifier string of the package you want to check, a reference to a Package
object to store the result, and a boolean indicating whether partial matches are allowed. The method returns true
if the package is found in the cache, otherwise it returns false
(System.String): The identifier string of the package to look for in the cache.
(out Sandbox.Package): An output parameter that will hold the cached package if found.
(System.Boolean): A boolean indicating whether partial matches are acceptable.
// Example usage of TryGetCached method
string packageIdentifier = "";
Package cachedPackage;
bool allowPartialMatch = false;
bool isCached = Package.TryGetCached(packageIdentifier, out cachedPackage, allowPartialMatch);
if (isCached)
// Use the cachedPackage as needed
Console.WriteLine($"Package '{cachedPackage.Title}' is cached.");
// Handle the case where the package is not cached
Console.WriteLine("Package is not cached.");