Vector2 SwingLimit { get; set; }



The SwingLimit property of the BallSocketJoint class specifies the maximum angle to which the joint is allowed to swing. This property is represented as a Vector2, where each component of the vector can define different limits for the swing in two perpendicular directions.


To use the SwingLimit property, you must first create an instance of the BallSocketJoint class. You can then set the SwingLimit property to a Vector2 value that represents the maximum swing angles in degrees. This property is useful for constraining the movement of a joint to prevent it from swinging beyond a certain angle.


// Create a new BallSocketJoint instance
BallSocketJoint joint = new BallSocketJoint();

// Set the swing limit to 45 degrees in both directions
joint.SwingLimit = new Vector2(45.0f, 45.0f);

// Enable the swing limit
joint.SwingLimitEnabled = true;

// Now the joint will not swing beyond 45 degrees in either direction.