PhysicsPoint MassCenterPoint()



Returns a PhysicsPoint at the center of mass of this PhysicsBody. This method provides a convenient way to access the center of mass, which is crucial for various physics calculations, such as applying forces or determining the body's balance.


Use the MassCenterPoint method when you need to retrieve the center of mass of a PhysicsBody. This can be particularly useful when applying forces or impulses that need to be centered around the body's mass for accurate physics simulation.


// Assuming 'body' is an instance of PhysicsBody
PhysicsPoint centerOfMass = body.MassCenterPoint();

// Use the center of mass for further calculations or operations
Vector3 position = centerOfMass.Position;
// Apply a force at the center of mass
body.ApplyForceAt(position, new Vector3(0, 0, 10));